Saturday, October 06, 2012

It's Still Here!

Amazingly, my Blogger blog is still here. When I searched for it today, I was surprised to see that I didn't even have to log in. The system remembered me, though I haven't posted since March 2010. And I'm using my new MacBook, so I can't imagine how it knew the password. I guess Blogger knew I would be back.

I was inspired to find my blog today by a new friend's blog. She posts all about decorating and cooking and family life, and I started to think that maybe I should blog again. Facebook has all but taken away blog inspiration, given that it's way too easy to update the fun and interesting moments along with photos, as I said two years ago.

But still, here's my little blog, looking so happy to see me. Maybe that means something.

Here's what I did yesterday. I'm having a spurt of Halloween-decorating energy, and can't wait to hang this over the curio in the living room once I get it cleaned up.

So that's where I am today. If I get all my decorating done, I'll post some photos. And, hopefully, I'll be back to my blog sooner rather than later. :)

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